Tuesday, November 4, 2008

My Vote Is In

I decided to wait until the official election day to vote. Some said I would pay for it based on the turn out they were seeing for early voting. I still decided to take my chances. To make matters worse my wife was sick today and I had to take the 8 year old and 2 year old with me. I pulled up to the school (polling place) at 1:06 and pulled away at 1:33... 18 minutes to stand in line and vote and 9 minutes to walk to and from my car. Why can my gamble never pay off when I am in Vegas?

I will probably be up late watching the returns come in but in the end it does not really matter. The candidates are not that far apart and Washington is so screwed up right not that neither of them will likely come through on most of their promises. Major changes are needed not just another middle-of-the-road democrat or republican.

One a lighter note my eight year old had these comments on the election:

"Don't vote for Obama because he will make me go to school on Sunday and will raise taxes"

"Don't vote for Bob [Barr] because he is going to lose anyway"

"Dad, did you vote for all the Republicans?" This was said in his "outdoor voice" while I was voting!! And, no I didn't... take that Saxby!

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