Saturday, November 8, 2008

Getting Political

The day after the election and the solid beating that the Republican Party took I made a blog post about about getting involved. Since I am a firm believer in walking the talk not just talking the talk I headed out to the first political meeting of my life this morning. I did not go alone though. Ron Davis went as well since he is tired of the same old politics and is on a personal mission to see Saxby Chambliss unemployed next year. While I may not see eye-to-eye on everything with Ron it was nice to have someone to go with.

Overall the meeting was interesting and I learned alot about issues I did not even know where issues in Georgia. Maybe I will post more on that at a later time. Suffice it to say... did you know that we have been in a border dispute with Tennessee for over 150 years? Yeah, me neither.

There was also lots of talk about the run-off election that will occur for Georgia on December 2nd. Saxby Chambliss is in a serious fight for his job and his re-election chairman for Paulding county was there to urge us to vote for him. He said that Saxby got the message and that he plans to return to fiscal conservatism and to fight for the conservative values that the Georgia people want. I want to hear it from Saxby though before I will believe it. Ron talked to the guy on the way out the door but I will leave that for him to comment on his blog.

Overall my first trip into politics was enjoyable and I plan to go back for the next meeting. If you live in Paulding county and want to get involved in something other than armchair politics then let me know and I will make sure you get the details on the next meeting.

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