Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Personal Records

This week I have set a PR in a few areas. I know that this is not as big as a WR or an OR but big to me none the less.

1. This is the 18th post for October. This makes it my most posted month. I am really getting into the blogging thing and enjoying it. Someone should've thought of this a few years ago.

2. I ran a 5k in 26:50 last Saturday. This is 40 seconds faster than my previous PR for a 5k and on a very difficult and hilly course. I think a sub 26 minute 5k is possible very soon. I also ran the first mile in 7:47 which is over a minute faster than I have ran any mile in a 5k. All around a good day even though I had to walk some of the final hill.

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