Wednesday, October 1, 2008

A Fresh Start

Today my parents stepped out into the world of small business ownership. I could feel the excitement when I talked to my mom on the phone this morning. As of 12:00 am this morning they became the proud owners of their very own child care center in Pensacola, FL. They have their work cut out for them as this was a horribly mismanaged center by the previous owner. But, my bet is that within 60 days the thing is humming along like a finely tuned timepiece. If you're looking for first-class care for kids in Pensacola then check out
located on New Warrington Road.

A big thank you to my brother, Aaron, for linking to me from his blog. I am still waiting for Ron to share some "link love" with me as well. Maybe I could spend some of my Ron Points on that.

In other news... I ran 2 miles in 16:54 last night. That is a crazy 8:27 average mile. Needless to say I almost passed out when I was done. Tonight I plan a nice, slow 10:00 average mile run.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm rather hesitant to give you any kind of love. But maybe we can talk about it.