Friday, October 17, 2008

Ahhhhhhhh Vacation Day!

Hang on a second... had to check my email real quick! As previously noted I am in Indiana visiting the in-laws. The drive up here was as horrible as I expected it to be. At least the kids slept for the second half of the trip. While I still think my father-in-law is crazy for taking on the task of building his own log cabin (no, he did not chop down all the trees for it) I have to say that it looks great so far. There is still a ton of work to do but it is livable and way better than some hotels that I have paid to stay in before. It'll be awesome once it is totally complete.

Went for 3.0 mile run today in 26:45. It still felt like my feet were made of concrete like earlier in the week. I am not sure what is causing that but I am guessing I just need to slog through this phase. If you have stumbled across this blog and have some advice in this area I'd be glad to here it.

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