Friday, August 29, 2008


I decided to watch Barak Obama's speech last night. One thing really stood out and bugged me. At one point he went on a rant about the failed policies of the current administration. I have no problem with that since he is entitled to his opinion and he was given the platform to spread his message. However, when he did this he referred to the policies of "George W Bush" not "President George W Bush". This was after he made sure to refer to "President Bill Clinton" on at least one occasion earlier in his speech. I understand that Obama may not like President Bush but at least respect the position even if you don't like the man.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Obama sat under the preaching of an anti-american racist, hate-speaker for 20 years. You can't spend that much time listening to someone and not agree with them. Obama is a farce and a lie and he sickens me.